Special Events

VSC plans a variety of special one-time programs that provide opportunities for students to volunteer. Most of these events are large, annual events that require lots of volunteers in order for the event to be a success. There are also opportunities for students to get involved in the leadership of these events. Not only is this a great way to meet other students at Wake Forest, but the events also enable volunteers to work with a variety of community members and serve a variety of needs.

Pro Humanitate Day — A campus-wide days of service. Serve with partners in the Winston-Salem community along side members of your class! .
Lighting of the Quad — Lighting of the Quad is time of holiday cheer and good tidings when the Wake Forest family can come together and celebrate the spirit and meaning of community. At Lighting of the Quad, students, faculty and staff will enjoy treats, an a capella concert, student and guest speakers and the lighting of the university tree, menorah and individual candles held by all in attendance.